Jul 16Liked by KingRay

I don’t understand either why the narrative changed just bec someone got his ear nicked bec of SS incompetence. The story has and is always about the bat shit crazy plans if the malignant narcissist wins.

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It definitely changed long before that, but what happened to the moron didn't help. Saw another article about taking back our minds and not letting the media suck us into a frenzy about the stupid crap people do, say, and believe on social media. You know???

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Yes, and you’re absolutely correct the narrative took a big turn after the debate. Hopefully it won’t take the tfg long to get back into his angry, gibberish.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Hahahahaha. A bat of the eye, man. He'll always be like that and will get worse. What has me concerned is the state of mind of too many Americans. They seem as sick as he is. Social media isn't helping matters, and neither is mainstream media who refuses to say the right thing on our behalf. They pigeon-hole us into LGBTQ+ publications only, and nobody's going out there researching anything. Just us.

We have to change the hearts & minds of way too many people ... who have been waiting in the bushes since they were silenced decades ago. Now they're popping out and saying, "BOO! You didn't get rid of us, we handed down our bigotry to our children, and have been waiting on these times." UGH

When it comes to that crazy debate, that wasn't a debate, mainstream media strikes again and is only talking with hysterical people who think Pres. Biden is doomed because of it. I forgot the poll, but they said the needle hasn't moved since before or after that "debate". Just more fear-mongering by people looking for clicks/views to generate revenue. Decent mainstream journalism has gone down the toilet.

Bullshit rich progressives are driving hysteria as well, and I've only got to wonder what their real agenda is. They're not thinking critically and seem to have no idea they're going to bring down the Dem party in one fell swoop. Over a staged attack in which Pres. Biden looked like he was surprised the entire time. But are they crazy???

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Jul 17Liked by KingRay

It’s almost as if half the country is not paying any attention. I ask people if they actually listen to the nonsense and although they might say yes, I know all they “see” is a reality show w/o and either do not understand what the words mean or don’t believe the intent. I suppose the sentiment was the same in 1930’s Germany. Perhaps if the GOP makes a clean sweep and hollows out Medicare and reduces Soc Sec, they will understand, but it will be too late.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

That's exactly right, Mitch. They don't believe it. They are underestimating those people. Even other countries are taking this more seriously. You're also right that it will be too late by the time they realize the truth. Man, I am stressed. I'm trying to keep it together, but it's very difficult. It's like we're saying these things into a vacuum which is sucking up all the good air and truths.

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